Hi reader! I think you all must be searching a lot about How to earn money through internet from home. It is a very natural thing everyone wants in greed or needs for some important reason. This reason varies person to person as it may be a house loan problem for one or some other reasons let leave this now and get to our today's topic. There are millions of fake websites which make trust on the user to pay but don't do so. This is a very disappointing situation. Today i will show you the trusted way to earn money. There are many ways to earn online like PTC sites, earning from transforming your long link to short URL and if you own a website then publisher networks are helpful.
Firstly, we will talk about PTC sites which pay just for doing a small job so easy as ABC and 123 which they will explain you on your registration but there are min requirements of these sites. Below are some of these sites-
1. ClixSense
2. Neobux
The third method is very easy but time consuming because it takes a lot of time to get sufficient daily views on your website. If you get sufficient views than there are options to earn like publishing ads on your website
One way is to use own ad network and the second is to get a network to earn below are following examples of networks-
1. Google adsense
Google AdSense provides a free, flexible way to earn money from your websites, mobile sites, and site search results with relevant and engaging ads. AdSense has helped over two million publishers grow their businesses in the last 10 years. Have AdSense fund your content so you can focus on creating even more.
2. Infolinks
Chitika is also a well know advertising network know these days. It also pays well and through different methods.
These are some of the ways to earn online. Think you liked reading this article. Stay connected be modern.
Please comment if you know more trusted sites.
Firstly, we will talk about PTC sites which pay just for doing a small job so easy as ABC and 123 which they will explain you on your registration but there are min requirements of these sites. Below are some of these sites-
1. ClixSense
- Ads: ~10 per day, click rate $0.001-$0.02.
- Payout: Minimum $8 for standard members, to PayPal or AlertPay.
- Online and paying since 2007.
- Chance to win $5 every day.
- Referrals: $0.0002-$0.008 per click.
- Unlimited number of referrals.
2. Neobux
- Ads: ~20 ads per day that pays $0.001-$0.015 per click.
- Payout: Payments are instant to AlertPay or PayPal. Minimum $2.
- Bonus points for every click - exchange for upgrades or money.
- One of the most trusted PTC sites since 2008.
- Referrals: $0.0005-$0.005 per referral click and 1% on purchases
3. Clicksia
- Ads: Usually around 10 per day, with a click rate of $0.003-$0.001.
- Payout: Minimum $1 to AlertPay or PayPal.
- Lots of easy sign up offers that pays $0.10 and up.
- Get paid $0.0001 per hit to promote your referral URL.
- Referrals: Earn 10% on clicks and sign up offers. Unlimited referrals.
4. Probux
There are a lot more but these are most trusted ptc sites. For more you can google it.
Earning from url shortners
The free of risk earning from your url just shrink your url, share and earn.
1. Adfly
Earn from the clicks on your link. Payment varies from country to country. You can also use referrals program too.
One way is to use own ad network and the second is to get a network to earn below are following examples of networks-
1. Google adsense
Google AdSense provides a free, flexible way to earn money from your websites, mobile sites, and site search results with relevant and engaging ads. AdSense has helped over two million publishers grow their businesses in the last 10 years. Have AdSense fund your content so you can focus on creating even more.
2. Infolinks
Infolinks is a second most used and trust ad network. It provides all types of like in text ads, frame ads, in tag and in search too. It provides payment through paypal, check and etc.
3. Chitika
These are some of the ways to earn online. Think you liked reading this article. Stay connected be modern.
Please comment if you know more trusted sites.
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